Monday, June 29, 2015

Married Monday: Top 5 Marriage Tips for Newly Weds


This weekend my best friend is getting married!!  She has found someone with the same values as her, who loves her so much, and is her best friend, I could not be any happier for her. And with our anniversary being just two weeks away I decided that today I will share my top 5 tips for newlyweds.

   Some of these may be a bit cliché but they are actually all things we practice in our marriage and they make a difference.

  • Always kiss. Kiss before you fall asleep and when you wake up. And anytime you can in between. When one of you leaves, kiss then too. Kissing for me is a connection, something that you can’t have with anyone else, and a sweet reminder that they love you.
  • Ask about their day. You may have had a crazy day that you want to share, but don’t forget to ask how their day went. They want to share with you too. Plus this lets them know you care about the little details of their lives.
  • Go on dates. It is an adjustment to start living together, figuring each other out in a new way. But don’t forget to still make a time at least once a month to just be the two of you together. Remember to let life be on the back burner just for the night, and have fun.
  • Fight fair. You will have an argument, disagreement or fight, if it hasn’t happened before you get married then you’re lucky, but you will have one when you’re married at some point. So when it happens play fair. Don’t bring up the past, don’t say things you don’t mean, and don’t forget to take a break and breathe.  Never go to bed mad or with something bothering you, it makes for a restless night and a bad morning.
  • Sleep together. Oh my, I can’t believe I said that haha. Other then you know ;) which we were told by our pre martial pastor to do once every 36 hours at least. Just saying… What I mean is to go lie down together at night, don’t stay up for hours once your spouse has gone to bed.  It helps with your connection and nurturing of each other. Even if you aren’t doing you know, it’s a time for cuddling, a skin to skin connection that builds your intimate relationship, and time for pillow talk and catching up. It is important at the beginning of your marriage, and possibly even more once you have children.
   What is your number 1 tip for newlyweds? I would love to share them with my bestie this week as she prepares for the biggest journey of her life!

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