Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Married Monday: Pride and Marriage

   Happy Tuesday and late Married Monday. I got so caught up in life I forgot to get my post out yesterday, oops.

   Pride is something that can ruin relationships and next week I am going to dive into how it can hurt a marriage to the point of complete ruin. 

   I was scrolling along my Facebook feed and up popped this picture from Unveiled Wife and it convicted me big time.

I realized that I have some issues with pride. I never really thought I was overly prideful or that it effected how I treated others but after some research on it I saw I was wrong. That pride is very much clouding my vision and it is not how it is meant to be, its effecting my everyday life and my marriage. 

   I have been afraid to admit on here that while I am learning this new role as wife and sharing with all of you, I am not always doing it right, or feel like I have a right to be the helpmate of a great man when I can't even get the basics right. I seriously feel that I am not doing any of it right and that I have no idea what I am doing. BUT here is what I have learned from that, no one does, very few wives figure it out in the first year, it takes time to learn each other. AND that is ok! Its ok to not be perfect. 

   I say all that to say that my pride, the fear of others knowing I'm not good enough, are what kept me from saying I don't know what I'm doing in public.

To Help Me Write for Your Needs. 
Answer these questions in comments or email me at renee.birchfield711 (at) gmail.com 
  1. What are your issues with pride? 
  2. What advice do you have to deal with pride?
  3. How have you overcame pride issues in marriage?

1 comment:

  1. Good post! I think I would have gone cray cray if I felt like I had to be the perfect wife in the first year of marriage. I admit, I get exasperated with myself for still making the same mistakes in almost year seven!
