Monday, April 20, 2015

Married Monday: The Importance of Spending Time with God


   Do you spend time everyday alone with God? I’m guilty of not taking out the time and really sitting with God. I say prayers throughout the day but really focusing on that time and not letting life sneak into my mind I am not so good at.  I’m one of those people who do a devotional every few days instead of remembering to every day. I can tell the difference on the days where I do remember, my attitude is better, I’m happier and just feel more joy.

   It is important in your daily life to spend this time with God but it is also important to your marriage. I know for us that when we are both right with God our marriage is much better. There is less disagreeing, less attitude, more serving, more respecting and more compassion.  But when one of us is not spending the time they need to be filled up then the little things start to be annoying, tempers shorten, and I know I become more selfish.

  One reason I feel that for me this happens is because I stop being intentional. I have said many times as a wife I have to be intentional, humans are very selfish creatures and putting someone else’s feelings and needs before mine is difficult. If I am not getting the influence of God regularly then I don’t even think about what I am doing and how it is wrong, but when I am spending time regularly with God I know how I should be striving to behave and trying and asking for help along the way.

Tips to Spend more time with God
  1. Schedule it. Set it in your calendar, make an alarm. I have reminders and alarms for so many things why not do the same for the most important thing in life. 
  2. Find when it is right for you. Some people can do it in the morning, others before they fall asleep. Anytime is a good time. If you can’t wake up early before your day needs to start that’s fine, find a time somewhere else in your day when you can. I know many people also do it on their lunch break. You have an hour break take 20-30 minutes and be alone with the Word.
  3. Use a devotional. I cannot just sit down and read the bible and know what it means. I have to have someone telling me to read passages that they then explain on how it applies to life. Find a devotional that is right for you and dig in. I love Joyce Myers, her books are great.
  4. Make it non optional. You have it scheduled but something that needs to get done yesterday is still not finished, you see your time blocked and say oh I can use bible time to catch up. NO, that is a bad idea, make that time non optional!
  5. Pray all day. Throughout your day when something is good, praise and thank him. When you hear troubling news or see something happening to other people ask Him to protect and for His will to be done. Continually talk with God and you are much less likely to forget to dig into your bible.

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