Friday, April 10, 2015

Has it Really Been 9 Months!!?

It has been a while since I did an update on our lives. So I wanted to take today and share what has been going on.

   Well it has now been 9 months since we got married and moved down to Conway.  It seems crazy to think it has been that long and to think that’s all it’s been.  It feels like yesterday I was walking down the aisle to become one with the love of my life. Looking forward to our honey moon and the move, I looked at some pictures yesterday from the cruise and wish I could go back. On the other hand it feels like this is the only normal I have ever known, being married and living with my Hubby.

   I have been subbing and teaching pre k now for about 7 months now.  I love it so much! I love getting to know new kids each day. It is a lot of fun to get to see different grades and see how they act compared to other grades. I am excited that next year I will be substitute teaching full time.  I will miss my preschoolers though those little babies have grown a special place in my heart this year.
   We will be moving by December to Plano, Texas to further both of our careers. He will be able to work in the same location as most of his team and I will be able to start working with a food company and do what my degree is in. As much as I love teaching, I miss food science work a lot.

   Tesla our fur baby is doing well and has gotten big. One of her past times is stealing the remote, a pillow, or my phone and trying to chew them up. But when being watched she has become a very good girl. The stealing is only bad when she thinks she needs attention and I am trying to get ready or write a post.  We have been re teaching her how to behave, and know that we are the boss not her. When it is time to eat, she now waits to be told that it is ok to eat.

We have been having fun just living life and being together. Even though work, attitudes, pride, and finances try to pull us different directions we have stayed strong and bonded together. Marriage is not for the faint of heart or if you don't want to ever work at because it takes time, effort, and intention. 

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