Monday, April 13, 2015

Married Monday: Going on Adventures

MM: Going on adventures with your spouse!

   We have all heard that you should could continue to date your spouse long after your married, and I wrote out a list of dates that you could go on. What happens though when life starts to get in your way and date nights sometimes fall to the side? Well then it is time to go on an adventure together. Once a month or so get out and try something new together. This is even better than a weekly or monthly date night.

MM: Going on adventures with your spouse!

   Why do I think these adventures are better? They offer a different kind of thrill then your normal date night, you will be doing something new. If you do something neither of you have done before then you start out at the same point of not knowing what is going to happen, or how to do it. You get to learn and experience it together. This will build great memories and strong connections to each other.

Here are some Adventures we have been on lately.

Mountain Climbing- This was a while back before winter but we spent a couple weekends in a row climbing different trails. It wasn’t our first time to ever climb a mountain but it was for this particular one. It was hard, hot and fun. It was exciting to be outdoors enjoying time together.

MM: Going on adventures with your spouse! Pinnacle Mountain View

Horseback Riding- It had been so long since we had rode a horse that this might as well been new to use. It was our first time here and together. We had a blast on an hour ride through rivers, fields, and forest. We made some awesome great memories.

MM: Going on adventures with your spouse! Horseback riding at Pinnacle Mountain

Horse Race Watching- We are now so close to the Oaklawn Race Track that we took a drive up there one weekend and watched some races. We got their famous corned beef sandwich, it was divine! We played some slots and roulette and came out ahead so we were pleased. It was such a fun day and we are ready to go again.

Trying a new coffee shop and spending a few hours there. This seems like a regular date to some people but for us it is a whole new thing. We never go out and just hang out in a public place together any longer then it takes to eat. I’m actually writing this in that shop with Hubby sitting next to me working on his computer. We are enjoying being out of the house but somewhere comfortable enough to relax.

Here are some other adventure ideas.

Do something dare devilish, I define this as jumping out of a plane. That would make some memories.

Drive around. Go out for a drive with no plan in place. You could follow yardsale signs on the weekends and see what you find. You could play a game where as you come to roads you switch off deciding which direction you will go.

Go to a new town. Take a drive to a town that is near you but you never go to and see what it has to offer.

Start a new sport or exercise together. We have been thinking about starting tennis. With the added benefit that neither of us knows how to play it is guaranteed to be fun. 

Be a tourist in your own town. Have you lived here a long time but never done something that most people who visit do. Well now is the time to do it, go be tourists together and explore your town.

What ideas do you have? Have you been on any new adventures lately? I would love to hear some of yours. 

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