New blog location: click image to visit.
After thinking long and hard I have decided that I am going to move to an all food blog and focus on my favorite part of blogging, and life ;), FOOD! This new blog will be very similar to what you are used to here at Married and Hungry just without Married Mondays and my crafty posts. I am also adding in some awesome topics that will cover everything you want to know in the kitchen.
Recipes of course
Reviews, cookbooks, food books, foods, restaurants and kitchen products. Hey I may even share my favorite aprons!
Tips, cooking tips, ways to make it easier on you, meal prep tips there is no limit to the kitchen tips over there.
Techniques, I want readers to learn on this new site so I will be teaching with videos and tutorials everything from knife cuts to cooking methods.
I am very excited about this new venture and hope that you will join me over at If Spoons Could Talk.
Love my marriage posts and want to look back over them? Don't worry they will still be here, I don't plan to get rid of this site. Recipes will be redirected to the new site but are still accessible if you land here.
I'm still in the process of finishing all the moving from this site to the new one, but I was to excited to wait before I shared it with you.
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